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구글 바드, 제미나이로 진화하다! Google Bard Evolves into Jeminai

by 알 수 없는 사용자 2024. 2. 15.

구글 제미나이


드디어 구글 바드가 진화하여 제미나이라는 이름으로 돌아왔습니다!


제미나이,  엄청난 성능이란?

제미나이는 텍스트, 이미지, 오디오, 영상까지 모든 분야에서 최첨단 기술을 자랑합니다. 

수학, 물리학, 역사, 법학, 의학, 윤리  57가지 주제를 아우르는 지식과 문제 해결 능력은 실제 전문가 수준을 뛰어넘는다고 합니다!

이제 제미나이는 웹에서 40 언어로 이용 가능하며 안드로이드와 iOS 앱도 출시되어 더욱 편리하게 이용할  있게 되었습니다.


제미나이 어드밴스드로 더욱 넓혀지는 가능성

제미나이 울트라를 기반으로  제미나이 어드밴스드는 추론, 명령, 코딩, 창작  다양한 분야에서 놀라운 경험을 선사합니다. 

맞춤형 개인 교사, 창의적인 파트너, 든든한 비서  당신의 든든한 지원자가 되어줄 것입니다.


구글  AI 프리미엄으로 제미나이 어드밴스드 경험하기

새로운 구글  AI 프리미엄 요금제를 구독하면 누구나 제미나이 어드밴스드를 이용할  있습니다. 

더욱 확대된 스토리지 용량과 특별한 기능까지 제공하는 구글  서비스를 기반으로 하니 더욱 만족스러운 경험을 선사할 것입니다.


제미나이, 구글 제품 곳곳에 적용

제미나이는 워크스페이스, 클라우드  개인과 기업이 사용하는 다양한 구글 제품에 적용될 예정입니다. 

워크스페이스에서는 글쓰기 도움 기능을 더욱 강화하고, 클라우드에서는 생산성 향상, 개발 속도 향상,

사이버 공격 방지 등의 혜택을 제공할 것이라고 합니다.


구글은 차세대 제미나이 모델 학습도 순조롭게 진행하고 있으며, 앞으로 제미나이가 어떤 놀라운 진화를 보여줄지 기대됩니다!

구글 제미나이

Finally Google Bard has evolved and returned to the name Gemina!

Jeminai, what is that incredible performance?

Jeminai boasts state-of-the-art technology in everything from text, images, audio, and video.
Their knowledge and problem-solving skills covering 57 topics, including mathematics, physics, history, law, medicine, and ethics, go beyond the level of actual experts!
Jeminai is now available in 40 languages on the web, and Android and iOS apps have also been released, making it more convenient.

The possibility of expanding further with Jeminai Advance

Based on the Jeminai Ultra, the Jeminai Advanced brings amazing experiences in a variety of fields, including reasoning, commands, coding, and creation.
I will be your strong supporter as a personalized private teacher, creative partner, and reliable secretary.

Experience Jeminai Advanced with Google One AI Premium

Anyone can use Jeminai Advanced by subscribing to the new Google One AI Premium plan.
It's based on Google One service that offers even more expanded storage capacity and special features, so you'll have a more satisfying experience.

Jeminai Applies to Google Products

Jeminai will be applied to a variety of Google products used by individuals and businesses, including workspace and cloud.
Workspaces will further enhance writing capabilities, cloud will increase productivity, speed up development,
It will provide benefits such as cyber attack prevention.

Google is also progressing smoothly in learning the next gen Jeminai model, and I'm looking forward to seeing what amazing evolution Jeminai will show in the future!
